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July 5, 2023

Bron featured on the Therapists Rising podcast

Bron featured on the Therapists Rising podcast

I stepped out of the Mental Work pod-cave to be a guest on the Therapists Rising podcast! Dr Hayley Kelly and I talked about the Future of Psychology (no biggie) and covered some topics that are very close to my fiery heart including:
  • The need for a more diverse psych workforce in terms of race, gender, socioeconomic background, and neurodiversity;
  • The ethics (or lack thereof) of provisional psychologists being used as free labour, and the need to make it more financially viable for workplaces to host students;
  • The need for outdated professional beliefs and norms to be challenged within the field of psychology;
  • The lack of collegiality and support in the field, and the need for community that many psychs are craving and desperately needing.
Give it a listen below or on Spotify, and let me know what you think! 💖
- Bron